Monday, March 6, 2017

A Week In Review: February 28th

February flew by so fast!  We have been busy in room 17 with reading and writing.  We have been learning like engineers and mathematicians as well!

Mrs. Fergusen came to visit and shared a story about going to a market in Mexico.  We learned about some Spanish words that you might find in Mexico.

To Kick off MARCH IS READING MONTH - we had visiting authors come to talk to us about how to get ideas for a story.  They also showed us how you can take a word like tree, and turn it into a picture of a tree. Additionally, Mrs. Hinterman, our media specialist sent home a note/reading log with your child last week.  Each child at WLE is challenged to read (or be read to) for 12 hours during the month of March.  As your child completes the challenge, they can send in their reading logs to school.

We had some visitors last week!  They were the Crayfish that the 3rd graders were studying.  We borrowed them for a morning and learned about the habitat that they crayfish live in!

We have been all around investigators this past week.  During morning work, one group of kids built a long tower with interlocking cubes. They laid down on the floor next to it and learned that it was 5 kindergartners long.  We also thought like an engineer and created toys that could be moved with a PUSH or a PULL.  We presented our creations to the class.  We also learned about gravity and how things that are heavier fall harder.

Finally, we finished our Pattern Book unit of study in reading.  We were able to celebrate our learning with 4th grade buddies. They love being about to talk about all the things that they have learned.  

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