Friday, February 10, 2017

A Week in Review: February 6th

This coming week has a lot of activities happening.  I wanted to just list some reminders to start:

  • 100s Day/Valentine's Day is on TUESDAY.  Thank you to all of the volunteers.  I will be bringing fruit and donuts for the children on that morning.
  • Thursday is a 1/2 Day of school.  Dismissal is at 12:09 pm.
  • No School from Friday 2/17-Tuesday 2/21.
  • School resumes on Wednesday 2/22.
  • Spring Picture Day is on 2/24
  • Family Movie Night is on 2/23 at 6:00 pm in the GYM.

This week was very busy.  We worked really hard to be good reading partners to each other.  We focused on putting the book in the middle, pointing to the words, and keeping our eyes focused on the book.  They were really quite sweet to each other.  

We decorated Valentine's Bags in preparation for Valentine's Day!  Thank you so much for the donations of stickers and Valentine items.  The children had so much fun decorating with each other.

In math we learned how to draw a picture to represent a number story.  I told them this story, "I set my table for a party.  I had enough seats for 4 people.  Then I heard my doorbell - DING DONG.  When I opened the door, 7 friends were there.  Do I have enough room for all of my friends to sit."  I then asked the children to draw a picture to answer the question!  I was so impressed with their thinking.

We had an AWESOME week in Room 17!

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