Wednesday, February 22, 2017

The Hundredth Day of School - Valentine's Too!

We had so much fun celebrating the 100th Day of School!  The children were engaged in activities to help them think about the number 100 all day long!  I think they had a great time.

 We met with our 3rd grade buddies to make 100 piece mosaic out of square tiles!  The art work is posted outside our classroom.
 We worked on a 100 piece puzzle!
 We looked for 100 googly eyes buried in rice.
 We built a tower with 100 cups!
 Mrs. Kazmierski helped us read our valentines!
 We painted 100 gumballs on the gumball machine.
 We sorted and graphed candy conversation hearts!
                                     Some of us had time to make a necklace out of 100 beads!

It was such an exciting and fun filled day in Kindergarten!

A few reminders:
-Family Movie night is tomorrow night in the gym at 6pm.  It is a free PTA event.  Popcorn and water will be available for purchase.
-Spring picture day is on Friday (2/24).

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