Sunday, January 29, 2017

A Week in Review: January 22nd

This week flew right by.  We were so busy that I did not take many pictures this week.

During morning work time, I often put out math manipulatives for the children to explore!  I am often surprised by their thinking!  One group of kids took all of the "bears" and tried to make a pattern creation.  Patterning is such an important skill.  It is a precursor skill for reading and mathematics.  So whenever I see this happening, I make a BIG deal about it and have the kids explain their thinking.  Another group was using the stacking cubes to begin thinking about height.  They were trying to make the cubes as tall as Mrs. McDonald, which was fun to see them working together to decide if it was the right height or not.  AND THEN...they laid the cubes out on the floor and counted.  I love to see mathematicians HARD at WORK!  Every day, I am surprised by their thinking!

POPCORN WORDS:  A new list will go home with your child.  We will have a couple more weeks of new words and then we will start again - but this time with a focus on READING and and using the words in their WRITING correctly!  

Reading Workshop

We have been learning strategies for reading pattern books during reader's workshop.  This week we will continue learning strategies, but the emphasis will be on what do you do when you come to a word that you don't know.  Book Bags will be coming home this week at least twice!  I am so excited to get back to our normal reading groups!  The assessments are complete and we are ready to roll!

WLE Talent Show:  The highlight of the week was the WLE Talent Show on Friday.  The kids were amazed by the older kids and their talents.  I am pretty sure they left thinking that Harrison and Brennan are in fact MAGICAL.  I have included a link to the Talent Show acts in case you want to check them out:

100's Day Shirts are DUE TOMORROW!!!  I LOVE the ones that have been turned in already!  I can't wait to make mine!  My daughters are going to help me:)

Walled Lake Elementary's Talent Show

Friday, February 27, 2017

So many talented kids at WLE.  You can click on the name of the performer that you want to see and it will take you to a YouTube video.  Feel free to share with family and friends!

Alayna Salama - Gymnastics
Teresa De Anda - "How Far I'll Go"
Ashesh Dhakal - Taekwondo
Aleksa Zoga - Gymnastics
Angelina Hami - "Scars to Your Beautiful"
Lily Ivenzaj - Honeydew Version 3
Addison Bean - Gymnastics
Abdulla Basheer - Puppet Show
Cailin McCue - "Pete the Repeat Bird"
Aankit Thapa - Wan Su Kata
Rithul Dhar - "Pop and Lock"
Maggie Lamb - Gymnastics
Neha Wagley and Ayusma Poudel - "Party in the USA"
Michael Garlinghouse - "Sonatina in C Major"
George Rumija - Shodan Godan
Findley Henderhan - Conga
Aiden Zemblaku - "Knights of the Castle"
Luz Sofia Hernandez Feliz - "Happy Blues"
Matthew Mares - "Jericho"
Harrison Kern and Brennan Lynch - Magicians
Kelly Burkel - "Count Me In"
Armani Williams - Jokes
Jonny Gentile - "Undertale"
Alycia Fernandes, Dema Bataq, Jaquelyn Lopez - Skit
Kodai Okano -  Variation of "Le Corsaire pas d'esclave"
Katria Bagdasarian and Sam Reisinger - Magic
Karlee Sanor and Peyton DesJardin - Jokes
Erin Zemblaku - Fur Elise 

Sunday, January 22, 2017

A Week in Pictures: January 20

Writing Buddies
Writing Buddies


Writing Buddies
In Writing, we have been working on telling a story across three pages with a beginning, middle and an end.  After they have drawn a detailed picture, they write a sentence about what is happening in the picture.  I am so proud of all of their hard work and the time that they put into writing the story.  On Friday ,we were able to share our work with 3rd grade buddies.  They had just finished writing realistic fiction stories.  All kids had such pride in sharing their work with others.  Mrs. Nickel even stopped by to listen in.  The pictures along the left side show our time with the buddies.

Adding to 10!
 Independence is a beautiful thing!  As the year has gone on, your children have learned the routines and know how to sustain their thinking for longer periods of time.  They are learning to have longer conversations about a given topic.  Every day, the kids surprise me.  Each day during math and word study time, I am able to assign familiar tasks so that I can work with small groups.  They are so good at following directions and completing the task at hand.  I have included some pictures to show them hard at work!  
Learning About Capacity - RICE
Puzzle Work
Letter Search

Learning about Capacity - Water
Science Chalk Talk - Pull Ideas



Valentine's Day
We will be having a Valentine's Day breakfast on February 14th.  A letter will come home this week with specifics about the party.  I will be sending home a class list with small pictures of each child.  This way when they are filling out their Valentine Cards, they can glue the picture to the back of the card so that the card is "mailed" to the correct classmate.  As it stands right now, our 100's Day celebration will be on the same date.  The only way this would change is if we have a snow day before then.

NEEDED:  If you would be willing to donate Valentine stickers, heart shaped lace doilies, valentine foam pieces, please send them into school with your child before January 31st.  We will be decorating our Valentine "Mailboxes" with these items.

Take Home Bags
We have learned many new games to practice this year.  I will be sending home the Take Home Bags again on Tuesday.  They will be due back on Friday.  Each child will bring home either a math bag or the traveling animal this week.  Now that we have learned so many new things, I want to give the kids more practice with these skills.  Each bag will have all materials needed for the activity.  The kids are super excited to share their learning with you.  All I ask is that you return all materials back in the bag the way that they were sent home to you. 

Student Council Candy Sale - Student Council will be selling Suckers for $1 each on Valentine's Day.  If you would like your child to purchase one, send in money with your child on that day.

Monday, January 16, 2017

A Week In Review: January 16th

Dear Families,
     It's hard to believe that January is nearly 1/2 over.  The kids really have seemed to mature over this last month.  Each day, I am so impressed by how much they have learned and how excited they are to learn something new.

Reading and Writing

Your children are learning how to read shorter patterned books.  They are learning what to do when they come across a word that they do not know.  Each day, they are so excited to learn something new and try it out in their reading.  Readers' Workshop is by far my most favorite time of the day!

One strategy that they have learned is to look at the cover and pictures to predict what words they may find in the book.  Then they look for the predicted words in the text.  We used Mrs. Wishy-Washy to try out this strategy.  They predicted that mud, cow, duck, and pig would be in the story.  And...they were right!  

They are always so excited to share what they have learned with each other.  AT the end of EVERY lesson, we meet in a share circle to share something about our learning.  In this share circle, they brought a book to show us when they noticed the pattern change in the book.


In science, we are beginning our next unit of study.  We will be learning about push and pull.  We
began the unit by thinking about what scientists use to figure things out: eyes, ears, noses, hands, mouths, and tools.  We then explored how some familiar objects move.  We introduced the terms: push and pull.  The "Kindergarten Scientists" then recorded their ideas in their science notebooks.

Take Home Book Bags

When we returned from break, I began doing the January reading assessments with your children to see what areas I would need to focus on.  Much of this testing is done one on one and in a way that they think is fun:)  As a result, book bags did not go home last week.  They will go home this week on ONE day and then back to the normal 2-3 days per weeks next week.  Please remember to read the book with your child and return it to school the very next day.  

100th Day of School

Please see the attached letter (it's attached in the email) for further explanation.  I am looking
forward to seeing what shirt your child designs.  Remember, all shirts are due on January 31st.