Monday, May 15, 2017

May 13th: A Week in Review

There is so much happening in Kindergarten.  We have enjoyed learning about plants and animals in science.  We have been learning about adding and subtracting in Math.  In reading and writing, we are learning about how to retell a story (with props), how to write about our learning in science, and how to write pattern books.  We hope you enjoy the highlights of our learning.

We practiced retelling The Lazy Duck and Grumpy Bear with props.  The kids really got into it.  They loved using voices and retelling the story JUST LIKE THEY HEARD IT.  I hope they shared their retellings with you!  We will continue to work on this comprehension strategy for the rest of the year.

Plant our grass and pumpkin seeds was definitely a highlight of the week.  Each day they are super excited to come in and see how much their plants have grown.  They will be coming home soon!

In Math, THEY LOVED using marshmallows and toothpicks to make 3D shapes!  An activity we will repeat soon!

Mrs. Fergusen visited us for the last time!  We loved learning Spanish with her!

This is just a friendly field trip reminder.  We will be going to the MSU tollgate center on Thursday (May 18th) for the Sheep to Sweater program.  The Kindergartners are very excited about going to the farm.

o   WHAT TO WEAR:  We will be outside for the WHOLE field trip.  Dress for the weather.  We will be walking around the farm; old shoes would be a good idea.
o   WHAT TO BRING:  A sack lunch with a drink.

We will be at the farm from 10:00am-1:30pm. 
Please let your child’s teacher know if you have any questions or concerns.

The Kindergarten Teachers