Friday, March 2, 2018

A Week In Review

Hello Families,
I hope your week has been great and you have a relaxing week ahead.  We hope you enjoy our Week In review.  This week it is all about a read aloud from class: The War That Saved My Life.

Just a few updates and reminders:
Science BA - The science BA will be on Wednesday.  Your child was supposed to bring home their reviews yesterday.  Please see the note attached for an explanation.  The BA will be on Wednesday, March 7th.

Math BA:  The Math BA will be on Friday next week.  The review will go home on Monday.

Howell Nature Center Field Trip:  We will be going on a field trip to the Howell Nature Center on May 15, 2018.  Attached to the permission slip is a note detailing the field trip.  Please return the following by March 29th:
  1. Lunch/Chaperone Information Sheet
  2. Permission Slip
  3. Howell Nature Center Waiver
  4. Payment
Book Fair - The Spring Book Fair is next week.  Our shopping day is on Thursday.  If you would like for your child to purchase books, please send money to school with them on Thursday.  The family night is on Tuesday evening.

Bonaventure:  Our last Bonaventure Night for the year will be on Thursday, March 15th from 6-8:30 pm.  The class with the highest percentage of attendance will earn an ice cream party.