Friday, October 27, 2017

October 27th: A Week In Review

Happy Friday!  This week's Week in Review centers around our book club books. Your children have been practicing the reading comprehension skills of EMPATHY and PREDICTION.


                    9:15-9:30: Students put on costumes
                    9:30-10:00:  Parade at WLE
                    10:15-11:15:  Trick-or-Treating at ESC
                    12:09: Dismissal

Any parent that would like to walk with us, is more than welcome.  I just need to know in advance if you will be joining us.

A reminder about costumes, please no masks or weapons.  There will not be time to apply make-up or hair dye or anything of that nature (it's best saved for evening costumes).  Thank you so much for your cooperation.

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